Natural Crystal Rainbows
Posted by Lauren O'Dell on May 10th 2023
We all know and love rainbows in crystals! They are breathtakingly beautiful & make a crystal extra special! Rainbows are a sign of hope, optimism & good fortune. You don’t see a rainbow in the sky every day, making it a rarity. Not every single crystal has a rainbow, making it rare & special. Have you ever wondered why you see rainbows in your crystals?
When the quartz crystals go through a traumatic experience a rainbow appears! This is a powerful message Mother Earth is sending. Hold tight through the traumas & rough patches because a rainbow filled with hope & beauty awaits you! I love this! But wait, rocks experience traumas?!? Yes, they sure can! Crystals go through a lot of stress and strain underground Earthquakes, extreme temperature fluctuations & excessive shaking during exhumation are responsible for creating cracks and fractures inside. When light bends and disperses along the internal surface structures that have been fractured a rainbow appears before your eyes.
There are crystals on the market that have unnatural rainbows. These are real crystals that have what is called an “aura” or “angel aura” coating. You can tell the difference easily. The coated crystals have a visible rainbow on the entire outer surface. Natural rainbows appear internally when you twist & turn the crystal as the light hits the internal fracture just right!
Rainbows are magical, beautiful & captivating in the sky & in crystals alike! Add hunting for your perfect rainbow crystal to your crystal to do list today. We have plenty to choose from in our nature's crystals category. Each piece is one of a kind with a description of all of the features of the piece including rainbows.